Frequently Asked Questions

Check-in time is from 4 PM to 10 PM, and check-out time is 12 PM.

All of the cabins/rooms are non-smoking, and no pets.

All of the cabins/rooms have A/C, Wi-Fi, Cables, fire pits, and gas grills.

We don’t have a swimming pool, but we are close to many lakes.

All of the cabins/rooms are non-handicap accessible.

Yes, our cabins/rooms are close to fishing areas, within 5 to 20 minutes.

Yes, we are open all year round.

Yes, there is a Grocery Store 2 miles away.

For the Vacation Home, there is a washer and dryer located on the property.
For Rooms/Cabins, we have a laundry service. Also, if you want to do it yourself, there is a laundry mat located 2 miles in town.